Parasite Cleansing
Parasite- An organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (it’s host) and benefits by derviving nutrients at the other’s expense.
80% of most populations in the Western world have some sort of parasites. Parasites can cause a lot of health problems and appear to be one of the underlying causes of many chronic degenerative diseases, including cancers. There are combinations of natural remedies that can remove literally hundreds of parasites, these are powerful combinations that have been tried and tested in clinical practice by many practitioners around the world.
Categories of parasites:
Nematodes (Nematoda) include roundworms, pinworms, and hookworms.
Protozoa are single-celled organisms that include Toxoplasma, Giardia, Cryptosporidium, and amoeba.
Tapeworms (Cestoda)
Flukes (Trematoda)
The most common gastrointestinal parasites are roundworms, pinworms, and tapeworms.
There is a good chance you have parasites if you own a pet, if you eat under cooked meat, if you eat sushi and other raw fish. You can even get infected by eating unwashed fruit and vegetables as well as, walking barefoot, gardening, and drinking contaminated water. If we have low stomach acid this could be a way for parasites to make it pass one of our first lines of defense. So are you ready to rid of these guest ?
By balancing our body’s inner terain and eating an organic whole food diet we can make for a healthier inner environment and build resilience so that these critters may pack up and leave on their own. Sometimes they need a little extra help to make them vacant the property so to speak. A balanced program with herbal formula’s and supplements can assist.
Parasites can reak havoc on the body from stealing our vitamins and minerals to stealing our neurotransmiiters. By stealing our neurotransmitters like dopamine and seratonin (our feel good hormones) can cause mood disorders and leave us feeling depressed.
After parasites eat they also poop out toxins like ammonia, which can lead to more stress on our body and add to the toxic load. They can also cause obstruction in our bowels, gallbladders and any tube like duct. This may cause constipation in the bowel, a sluggish gallbladder and so on.
When it comes to our health we need to look at it like a detective would by putting all the peices together with your cheif complaints. It takes cleansing and mopping up along with balancing and restoring the body. I use many tools to get to the root cause but it’s up to you to make the choices that will continue to benefit you!
Let’s take a look where parasites can be hiding and why there is a special order to detoxification.
•Lyme lives in nematodes
•Bacteria live in Ascaris roundworms
•Mold lives in parasites
•Viruses(toxins) are stored in parasites
• Parsites prodce exosomes (viruses)
•Parsites are sponges for heavy metals- when parasites die-off they release toxins. Making sure your drainage pathways are open and having binders on board so that they can escort the toxins out of the body will be very important throughout the detoxification protocols.
Disarm how Lyme protects itself!
•Lyme slows drainage we will increase drainage
•Decrease ATP we will increase drainage
•Lyme hides in biofilm so products are designed to remove biofilms and mop up heavy metals.
*Above is where Cell Core products are highly recommended. (see Cell Core products on page and book a 1 on 1 introduction consultation or use the client code to make your purchase. CODE: 4TfFVsWm
+ What are the signs and symptoms of parasitic infestation?
- Itchy ears and nose
- Men: sexual dysfunction, prostate
- Forgetfulness
- Slow reflexes
- Gas, bloating, constipation
- Unclear thinking, brain fog
- Loss of appetite
- Yellowish face
- Rapid heartbeat
- Heart pain
- Pain in the navel
- Eating more than normal and still feeling hungry
- Blurry or unclear vision
- Pain in the back, thighs, shoulders
- Lethargy
- Numb hands
- Burning sensation in the stomach
- Women: problems with menstrual cycle
- Dry lips during the day
- Damp lips at night
- Drooling while sleeping
- Grinding teeth while asleep
- Bedwetting
- Anal itching
- Blisters on the lower lip
- Constant wiping, and scratching of the nose
- Restlessness
- Grinding of the teeth at night
- Dark circles under the eyes
- Hyperactivity
- Headaches
- Sensitivity to light
- Twitching eyelids
- Gums, rectum, or nose bleeds
+ How long should a Parasite cleanse be performed for?
Parasite cleansing should be done minimally for 90 days to make sure all phases of the parasite’s life are covered however it could be a journey for others.
The first month may help eliminate the adult parasites while the 2nd to 3rd month will continue to eliminate parasites as well as, parasitic eggs. The three months will help cover the full life cycle of most parasites.
With the help from cleansing, healthy eating, and healthy lifestyle changes we can begin to change our bodies inner terrain to be more balanced and resilient to help keep these unwanted guest at bay.
+ What does an initial consultation include?
Choice of
- 30 min Biofeedback includes a 36-page Wellness Scan report (in-person or remote appointments) Remote request book a Quatam Wellness OR
- 120 Add on a full biofeedback sessions w/ 36-page Wellness Scan report (in-person or remote appointments) Remote request book a Quatam Wellness
- 10-15 mins of Heart Rate Variability scan which will be preformed before and after cleansing to see results of your stressors. It is nice to see the changes after your hard work of cleansing. (in-person only)
*Frequencies that will aid in the elimination of parasites and can be listened to or placed on the body 2x a day to aid in parasite release (via phone or computer) need head phones.
*15-Day Alkaline Detox PDF
*Parasite Informational PDF
*Supplemental advice to help with detoxification program (all supplements are sold separately through a trusted third-party company)
+ What does a follow-up consultation include?
Follow-up consultations are performed weekly or monthly after initial sessions and are approx 1hr-3hr, depending on the add on's. A follow up is suggested during cleanse, most parasites cleanses are suggested to do for 90 days minimally. This can be discussed at initial consult.
Choice of
- 30 min Biofeedback -36-page Wellness Scan repot that includes that will display improvements from cleansing (in-person or remote appointments) remote book under Quantum Wellness or *120 min Biofeedback -36-page Wellness Scan repot that includes that will display improvements from cleansing (in-person or remote appointments)Remote book under Quantum Wellness
10-15 mins of Heart Rate Variability scan which will be preformed before and after cleansing to see results of your stressors. It is nice to see the changes after your hard work of cleansing. (in-person only)
Frequencies that will aid in the elimination of parasites and can be listened to 2x a day to aid in parasite release (via phone or computer) head phones required.
Please fill out the following two forms prior to your in-person or remote appointments and either bring them in person or email them to
Consent Form
Disclaimer: The Detoxification Protocols do not provide medical advice, they are not intended to diagnose or treat any ailments of health concerns. It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, and should not be construed as such. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read in this material. Always seek medical advice before starting a detoxification program. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911. The opinions and views expressed here have no relation to those of any academic, hospital, health practice, or other institution. Most people can follow this detoxification program without issue unless they suffer from diabetes, heart conditions, low blood pressure or are taking blood pressure medications. If you do suffer from any of these issues, you should be closely monitored by a health practitioner who is well trained in detoxification. One of the main reasons for this is because detoxification can reduce blood pressure, therefore blood pressure needs to be taken regularly and medication will have to be adjusted by your primary health care doctor. You also should not partake in the detox if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, recovering from a serious illness, or are taking prescription medication *check with your doctor before proceeding*
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