Ionic Foot Bath
The IonCleanse creates precisely the same environment as a walk along the beach, only more powerfully because your feet are in direct contact with the ions being manufactured in the water. Place your feet in the water, turn on the unit and within seconds, millions of ions enter your body and begin to neutralize these tissue acid wastes.
Fat and mucous residues found in the water after bathing reflect the wastes that have left the body during the 20 to 30-minute session. Healthy individuals can expect to feel lighter and experience a greater sense of well-being from each IonCleanse session.
+ Skin & Beauty Benefits
Rashes, dark circles under the eyes, swollen joints, yellow-green and blotched complexions often indicate a buildup of tissue acid wastes inside the body. Several IonCleanse sessions along with dietary modifications may substantially reduce and even eliminate these conditions.
+ Where Do Toxins Come From?
Toxins can derive from chemical pollutants, heavy metals, pesticides, drugs, alcohol, active/ passive cigarette smoking, and food additives. However, toxins can also come from normal metabolism and intestinal buildup of unhealthy bacteria within your own body.
Toxins damage cells, disrupt our endocrine systems, and impair the body's ability to absorb nutrients and heal itself. When it comes to exposure to toxins, the body cannot metabolize most of the poison it is exposed to.
The ion cleanse provides a thorough and efficient way to cleanse and purify the body.
+ How Often Should I Use The ION Foot Bath For Maximum Detoxification ?
Cleanse ideally 12-14 times total for a specific issue
- 3 times per week under the age of 50
- 2 times per week if over 50
Take 10-14 days off- this allows the body to recover and repeat as needed
Weekly to monthly maintenance programs are suggested
When added to a detox program one may not need as many as the above states but adding the foot bath as needed however, will benefit the detox program and will help to support the body in the process.
+ Why Continue Cleansing?
We are exposed to toxins every day. In the above example a 48 year old client has had 48 years of toxic accumulation. The base program plus lifetime maintenance will help to cleanse the body of initial toxic buildup and release further accumulation.
+ Are There Any Contraindications?
Any person falling into one or more of these categories should NOT use the IonCleanse:
- If you have a pacemaker, or any other battery-operated or electrical implant
- Clients who do not respond to a muscle test, or who test weak to both polarities with their feet in the water and with the unit turned on
- Those on heartbeat regulating medication and/or blood thinners
- Organ transplant recipients
- Organ removal, especially the colon. Great care should be exercised when dealing with clients who have had organs removed as their bodies do not function at high energy levels. Colon removal indicates a greatly impaired ability to process nutrients and remove toxins from the body.
- Anyone on medication, the absence of which would cause mental or physical impairment, such as psychotic episodes, seizures, etc.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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*Before booking please make sure to join our private membership one time only for a lifetime fee of $5 in order to attend sessions
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